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Becoming Capable of the World: The Practice of Imagination

With the heart, we move at once into imagination.
– James Hillman


To Register

To register for this online event, please email Tom or Kimberly to sign up. You can use this PayPal link to reserve your spot. Other payment options include mailing a check, or Venmo. If you have questions, feel free to call. We look forward to talking with you!

Dates and Times

Two Meetings a week for 6 Weeks
Beginning May 4, 2020
Mondays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30 PST timezone


$350 via PayPal, Venmo or check
Class Limited to 12 participants



To register, call today
(503) 929-2916

Online Class with Tom Cheetham and Kimberly Christensen

It’s not enough to be alive. You have to live. Being is a verb, an activity. The most profound and deepest act of being we can engage in is imagining. It changes us from objects in a world of things, to subjects in a world of persons. Imagination is not in us—we are in Imagination. The organ of imagination is the heart, but its modes action are all the senses, all the emotions, all of the intellect. When the heart of imagination is active, everything is fluid, all things shimmer with just a bit of uncertainty. All our secret fundamentalisms dissolve into flesh and into breath. To learn the imagination we need to know how to pay attention to everything in our world: to flowers, dreams, people, clouds, emotions, the textures of stone, the tastes of spices, the colors in the eyes of animals. Join us for practice in becoming alive, of becoming capable of being in this magnificent world.


Tom Cheetham is the author of five books on the imagination in psychology, religion and the arts, and one book of poems. Formerly Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies at Wilson College, he has been teaching natural science and the humanities for 30 years. He is a Fellow of the Temenos Academy and teaches and lectures frequently in Europe and the US.
Kimberly Christensen is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Portland, and a PhD candidate studying embodied archetypes and the Imaginal. She completed clinical training in Berkeley, CA, while earning an MA in Counseling Psychology specializing in Jungian Psychotherapy. She has an MA in Cultural Anthropology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Call Kimberly for a free 20-minute phone consultation.

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